4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Bad Rear Diferental Bearing, cherokee ltd, 4x4 club

I just learned that the whining noise [which started a week ago] from my well maintained 1993 Grand Cherokee Ltd is a possible a rear diferential bearing going out.

I've got an initial quote range of between $950 - $2,500 to open up the rear, look for potential damage, and fix the problem. Since this noise stared a week ago, and I subsequently limited my driving to and from work on 25 mph surface streets, I suspect that I will probably only be facing a simple bearing replacement rather than a complete rebuild.

I understand that there is some labor and calibration involved but given all of the above, is the $950 quote for a rear diferental bearing replacement within the scope of reality?  


This sounds a bit high.  I would estimate the cost to be $600 or less.  For $950, you should be able to replace all the bearings in the axles, seals, and new gears.  I would call some different shops in your area, preferably one that specializes in 4 wheel drives, and do some price shopping.  It wouldn't hurt to see if you can find a local 4x4 club, and talk to some members about who services their vehicles.
