4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: my 4/4 1977 full time 4 wheel drive

my driver side motor mount if it was bad what would it do to my truck cuzz going through starters if engine mount was going bad would it mess with the starter


Depends on what type of vehicle it is.  That shouldn't cause starter problems, unless the motor is flexing enough to cause the starter to hit the frame.  

a bad motor mount can cause a lot of other problems, such as flexing shifting linkage, putting bad angles on drivelines, etc.

If you are going through starters on a regular basis, make sure the gear on the flywheel/flexplate, or the flywheel/flexplate itself is not warped or loose.  On some vehicles, the starter has to be shimmed to make the proper clearance for the starter gear to engage the flywheel/flexplate, so make sure the starter is mounted properly.
