Tips on Buying Cars: car, car deal, bad deal

We bought a car on November 29th. We already signed the papers and gave them a $2,000 down payment. They told us our car would be here in a couple of days.. They have lied to us several times about the delivery of our car. Now it is December 10th and we still have no car. What can we do? Can we cancel the deal? What are our rights?

It is unfortunate that you will go through this. First, let
me remind you that I am not an attorney and I do not know the
specific laws in your state.  Regardless of where you are,
you have every right to cancel and get a complete refund. especially since you have not taken delivery. Depending on where you live, there are laws to protect you although they vary from state to state.  First you should ask the dealer for your money back and be very firm but polite.
If they don't give it back immediately, call your states Attorney General's office. This is the most powerful support you have.
If it is a new car, also call the manufacturer. You can google questions to get these phone numbers.
It is probably a good idea that you call off the deal even if they find the car
This treatment is an example of how things could go in the future
The more you stir things up, the faster you will get a refund.  You can call the local district attorneys office as well  but I am not sure they will help. Use newspapers, radio station etc. if it goes on too long
Usually the state Attorney General is the best one to call and they will get results.
It isn't an easy situation but you definitely have rights.
The best approach is to be firm but always polite