Tires: Bridgestone Tires, computerized wheel alignment, bridgestone tires

We have a 2008 Honda Civic with 4 Bridgestone Turnaza tires, tread depth is 9/32. A computerized wheel alignment was completed and the left rear camber was out by .1 degree. Honda reported that all 4 tires are cupped. I call Bridgestone US as they were purchased in the US. They gave me a number in Canada to call. I have made 2 calls to the Canadian Bridgestone/Firestone company and have not received a return call.  
Has anyone out there had the same problem with these tires? What should we do about it? Should we replace them immediately or continue to use them? Do you think Bridgestone will do anything about this? Is there a history of Bridgestone tires having this problem?


Cupping wear is caused by mis-alignment and aggravated by insufficient rotation practices and insufficient inflation pressure.  Since the vehicle was out of the alignment tolerance, this is no doubt the source of the cupping.  This is not unique to Bridgestone tires.

I doubt that Bridgestone will do anything, since the cause is obvious.

Other than noise and vibration, there is no reason to replace the tires - there is no safety issue.