Tires: Higher size tires for Jeep

how do i find out if i can go to a higher size of tire on a (2004) jeep Cherokee 4wh? what is the common size for this vehicle?  

Dear Jo Ann,
Thank you for using AllExperts!
According to my records, the following tire sizes came equipped on various 2004 Grand Cherokee models as original equipment tires:
The original size that came on your Jeep will be shown on the 'tire placard' on your driver's side door jam.  
Currently, I cannot recommend a higher, or taller sized tire for your Jeep other than the originally installed size for several reasons:
1. Your '04 Jeep Owner's Manual recommends against doing this.
2. Since you have a SUV with a high center of gravity compared to a car for example, installing a 'higher' tire will increase the center of gravity and its rollover propensity (safety).
3. A taller tire will adversely affect your odometer and speedometer accuracy.
4. A taller tire (as stated in your owner's manual)may result in unpredictable handling.  Braking efficiency will also be reduced.
If you have any questions you may re-contact me.  I hope this addresses your question!