Tires: Flatspotting on Run-flat tires, goodyear eagle, flatspot

Will the Goodyear Eagle F1 Extended Mobility Tire, generally called a run-flat tire, flatspot if they remain mounted on a stored car for approximately 5 months over the winter?  They are on a Corvette and will be sitting on a concrete floor in an unheated residential garage in a Northern state.  Would increasing the tire pressure to the maximum stated on the sidewall prevent flat spotting?  Would rolling the car forward or backward a foot or so each week prevent it?  What can be done to avoid flat spotting of these tires during storage?
Thank you so much for answering my question.


Will the Goodyear Eagle F1 Extended Mobility Tire, generally called a run-flat tire, flatspot if they remain mounted on a stored car for approximately 5 months over the winter?  

All tires flat spot, and Run Flats are no exception.  How much depends on quite a few factors - temperature, length of time, inflation pressure, load, etc. all have effects.

Would increasing the tire pressure to the maximum stated on the sidewall prevent flat spotting?

Prevent?  No.  Reduce? YES!!

Would rolling the car forward or backward a foot or so each week prevent it?  

Prevent?, No.  Reduce?  YES!!

What can be done to avoid flat spotting of these tires during storage?

Avoid?  Take them off the car and store the car on jack stands.  Other than that - and what you mentioned above, that's about it!