Tires: goodyear eagle, goodyear eagle, steel belts

QUESTION: last week i replaced a tire with a 94v rating with the same. this week the
dealer replace other three with 94w rating. is it ok to run three 94 w and one
94v ? what is the difference? also is it normal to have goodyear eagles to have
to be replaced with 48,000 because of bad steel belts.? thanks.........


It is best to have 4 new tires that are all the same on a car.  Next best are 4 tires that are all the same, but at the same state of wear.

From there any combination of tires is worse than that and the more different the individual tires are the worst that is.  State of wear has the least affect, tire pattern next, followed by speed rating, tire manufacturer, size, etc.

So you have a bit of a problem in the speed ratings are different, but are the tires otherwise identical?

and BTW it is best to have tires in pairs.  So I would advise getting that accomplished.

Also, 48,000 miles on a set of V or W rating tires is excellent.

And bad belts? No, a common misconception, even by tire shop folks whp oght to know better!  I'll bet you had irregular wear caused by misalignmment and insuffiient tire rotation.  So get an alignment, too!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes all tires are the same except the v , and w rating.
All tires are brand new.  


Between V and W, the tires would only be slightly different.  Not enough to worry about - but since these are new, you should attempt to get this 100%.  Hopefully the tire dealer will see this as something he should have looked at for and correct this withoue cost to you.