Tires: Save money on H speed rating instead of V, goodyear tire, effects of speed


Do you agree with Goodyear Tire that 'Speed ratings do not indicate how well a tire handles or corners. They only certify a tire's ability to withstand high speed.'


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Speed rating are strictly based on a tire's abiility to withstand the effects of speed.

However, as a general rule, higher speed rated tires are also higher performance tires - and that usually means better grip and more responsive handling.  

There are only 2 points I would pick at on Goodyears web page:

1)  ".....However, if you never drive at speeds near the limits of your speed rated tires, you may choose to replace them with tires having a lesser top speed rating......"

I know the reason Goodyear posted this was to allow their stores to sell tires with lower speed ratings, however they way they phrased it seems to imply that there is no other consideration except speed when the issue is speed rating.  

The basic engineering principle is that the less of something's capability you use, the safer it is in that usage.

For example:  It is safer to use a 100 ton crane to pick a 30 ton object than using a 40 ton crane.  

Put another way:  there are just so many variables when it comes to selecting how thick or strong to make an object that an engineer has to use his best judgement - and still there are these situations - rare though they are - where the circumstances are beyond the designed-in capabilities.

So higher speed ratings are always safer.

2)  "...... Speed ratings do not indicate how well a tire handles or corners. They certify the tire’s ability to withstand high speed...."

I've already talked about that.