Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: torque setting for drain plug, honda shadow 600, torque wrench

I just received your reply to my questions concerning changing the oil in my 94 Honda shadow 600 vlx.  You mentioned the torque setting for the drain plug.  Could you tell me what that would be and since I don't have a torque wrench is there another way to tell if it is tightened properly.  Thank you again.

The safest way would be with a Torque wrench.  If you don't have one, tighten the drain plug to finger tight, then with a wrench, pull the wrench about 1/8th - 1/4 of a turn.  that should about do it.  Basically, you want it tight enough to not rattle loose, but not too tight that you risk of stripping the threads or making subsequent removal next to impossible.

Cheers, and ride safe.