Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: What Brand, sport bikes, luck steve

I have been wanting a motorcycle but I need to know what to aim for. What is an affordable but good quality brand? I am wanting a sport bike if that helps any. Thank you for any info you provide.

Hi Brandon

Difficult question because everybody will give you a different answer.

For me, resale value is important. I say this because one does not own a bike for more than 2 or 3 years before you upgrade. Therefore it is important to get a good price on your old bike so that you can buy the new one.

If you like sport bikes there is only one brand that keeps its resale value well and that is a Honda.

A 400cc Honda makes an excellent first bike and is affordable. The handling will prepare you well for a bigger and more powerful bike when you are ready for it.

Visit my website
If you follow the links to do with motorcycles you will find a lot of info

Good luck
