Used Cars: RE: 9/24 answer to unsafe car purchased, triple damages, frame damage

We purchased a car from United Dodge in Las Vegas, NV.  We financed around $10,000.00.  We don't like the way the car is handling so we took it to trade it in.  We were informed by the dealership we were trying to purchase from that the frame is bent on the card and the most they can give us is $500, if that.  You said it is illegal to sell a car with a bent frame without disclosing the information.  What recourse do we have if any?

Your correct, a dealer cannot sell you a car with frame damage, I believe if you check your state laws, you can sue the dealer for triple damages, which means 3 times the amount you paid for the car. I would contact the General Mgr of the store first and be polite and tell them maybe it was an oversight but you would like it corrected, you would like a full refund of the purchase price, they might try and settle with some kind of number or try and sell you another car. Do not settle for anybody less than the Gen Mgr or the Gen Sales Mgr, you will likely get the run around. I would also have a co or maybe your ins co. do an independent inspection and that way you will have documentation to show to the dealer or to an attorney. Let me know if I can help anymore.