Truck Repair: speed limiter, dealer charges, speed limiter

2010 volvo ishift d13@ 500 hp
i bought a volvo couple weeks ago, or, should i say my father-in-law paid for it and signed it to me. WE have run a few runs down south and have agreed the truck needs more. The speed is set at 75, and i would like it at 80 i have the pass-code for diagnostics  and can get to the speed settings but cannot change it.The truck does fine on flat ground but will not pull a hill for anything.....even a light load.

you'll need to go into diagnostics with a program called vcads. if you don't have that on a laptop you wont be able to change it. not sure what a dealer charges but to do something that simple I would think no more then $400. While your in there youll also need to make sure the cruise control is turned up as with the pedal and I would make sure the idle shutdown is turned off too.