Truck Repair: overhead adjustment, screw out, celect

I need to run the overhead on my cummins N 14 with a jake brake. what is the correct sequence and lash for the valves, injector, & jake brake? it just dosent seem to be running as good as it should be.

On the Celect,you adjust valves & inj on same cyl.The mark A is now 1-6,B is 2-5, & C is 3-4.Valves are Int 0.014 & Exhaust is 0.027.The injector you hand tighten screw until injector plunger bottoms out.Back screw out 2 flats,ie turn corner of lock nut to align with the riviot in the rocker lever(pushtube side),then back out screw two "corners" then tighten the jam nut down.Adjust the Injector first,then the valves. The C Brakes lash is 0.023.