Truck Repair: intake and exhaust valve settings also injectors, cummins engine, rocker boxes

Followup To ok cliff i have wrote down what you said now the problem is ihave aluminum rocker boxes the valves are adjusted to 14int 27 exh 55 inch injector and i still get a serious valve rattle when i step on the fuel at any speed what do i do now thank you for trying to help
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Followup To no i don,t iknow there are marks on the accesatory drive but i just want to make sure on the settings i thought the 11 and 23 and 55 inch pds were right but you say 16 and 29 and 55 inch pds
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Followup To   this is old engine and it has the oldstyle injectors in itthe 11 and 23 settings sound right and the 55 inch pds would that fit my motor ifound this # 21681  6
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i have a 1974 cummins small cam 350 with a jake brake i need to know what to set the intake and exhaust valves at also how much inch pounds to set injectors thank you
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How about a CPL or engine number for exact specs.          i do not have either one ialso need to know how to set them i get several differant answers on the settings this is just an old orginal cummins engine
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The reason you are getting different settings is because we cant see what type injector you have in it.The engine number is located on the fuel pump side of the block.At the rear & at the top,there is a boss with the 6 to 8 digit serial number stamped in it.The valve clearance is either 0.011 & 0.023 or 0.016 & 0.029.The injector is either 5-6 in pounds or 55 in pounds,but with out engine or cpl # I cant tell you exactly which.
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Maybe this will help.If the injector plunger & spring are HIGHER than the injector body,that is a PT inj.If the plunger & spring are about level with the top of the inj body,that is a top stop inj.If is is top stop,settings are 5-6 in lbs on inj & 0.011 on intake,0.023 on exhaust.If it has PT inj,adjustment procedure is different.The specs are 55-60 in lbs on inj,0.016 int,0.029 exhaust.
And do you know how to adjust the ovehead?
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I look at the one outside & it has VS 1-6,VS 2-5,VS 3-4 marks on it instead of A,B,& C.These marks are on the accy drive pulley & a TDC mark too.The specs are 0.016 intake & 0.029 exhaust.The injector is 55-60 in lbs.You will set BOTH valves & injector on the same cyl.This method is call OBC(outer base circle).The only catch to this method is you have to adjust the cyl on the mark past what is says,ie VS 1-6 would be 3 & 4,VS 2-5 would be 1 & 6, and VS 3-4 would be 2 & 5.Just adjust them in firing order(1,5,3,6,2,4) and should have no problems.

Usually a rattle while accelerating is an overfueling problem.Maybe the AFC(air/fuel control) is not working correctly.Is it black smoking while accelerating?That is a sign of it not working.They called it an aneroid valve back then I think.It will be plumbed on the back side of the pump going to the valve that is plumbed to the intake for maifold pressure.