Vintage Cars: antique car, cherry bomb muffler, classic car club

hi jeff i just have a couple of question, doesnt a car have to be 30 years old to be considered an antique, and will switching out a stock muffler for a cherry bomb muffler decrease the value of it

It wasn't all that long ago that a car had to have been built before World War II to be considered a true "classic," at least as far as the Classic Car Club of America is concerned.  And there's the problem: just who decides what a classic is?  Under your definition, a 1976 Plymouth Volare is now a classic, but I can't imagine anyone believing that car will EVER fall into that category.  A couple of the larger car shows in my area require a vehicle to be at least 25 years old before they'll allow it to be entered, but that doesn't mean they consider them to be classics.  I don't know if the definition will ever be agreed upon.

As for the second question, if the rest of the car is purely stock, then ANY modification will reduce its value.  But there are hot rods today that are worth more than some purely-stock originals, so it depends on the level of modification and the car's history.