Vintage Cars: Something simple? or very very wrong, rubber gromets, shift linkage

Hi Ron,
It's me again with the 72 1800 E. Car has been behaving this week until 5 minutes ago.Drove up the driveway applied the brakes, went to put the car in park and the shifter felt funky. THE CAR WILL NOT GET OUT OF REVERSE no matter where I place the shifter.I shut the car off and pushed it in it's spot. Any ideas? This car is automatic.Thanks Again for your excelent assistance.

pretty sure its your shift linkage. May be at the connection on the tranny, or at the base of the shifter.  These connections are via rubber gromets and pins and I suspect one let go.  NOW be very careful if you are going to investigate this, the last thing you want is to be under the car and have it go into neutral and run over you - that is a bad thing.  chock your wheels and take a look, or investigate from the shifter down, you need to follow the linkages.  Do you have a parts manual that would also help you.  Le tme know what you find