Personal Auto Loan Options: Bad Credit, Payday Loans, and Refinancing

A personal auto loan is an agreement between a person who wants to buy a car and a financial institution in which the financial institution pays for the car up front. The person who gets the car has to pay the financial institution back according to a set of predetermined terms. Before you take out an auto loan, you should make sure you will be able to pay it off on time because there are usually additional fees associated with late payments. To make sure you will be able to pay off a loan, you can use a program called a personal auto loan payment calculator that gives you the number and size of the payments you will need to make based on the length and size of the initial loan. Here, you can read information about three types of personal auto loans.

Bad Credit

Bad credit auto loans are for people with bad credit scores. They are generally short term loans with a high interest rate and significant consequences for people who don't pay off their debts on time. Only take out a bad credit loan if you are sure you can pay it back and you have carefully read the contract.

Payday Loans

A payday loan is a type of loan where you can borrow money from a financial institution by signing a post dated check against your paycheck, which is then cashed on your payday. These are also high interest short term loans.


If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot pay off your loans, you can use debt consolidation loans to lower your interest rate. Debt consolidation involves taking out a second loan to pay off the whole first loan at once. The second loan has a lower interest rate, so you can end up paying less for your loan over time.

Related Questions and Answers

When a Car Loan Refinance Happens for Bad Credit Reasons, Does it Lower the Chances of Approval for other Car Loans in the Future?

Interestingly, if you get a car loan refinance for bad credit reasons and successfully pay it off on time, then the chances of your approval for other car loans in the future - with the same financial institution - are quite good. Please note that this applies to the financial institution where you have refinanced your car. On refinancing your car loan, for whatever reason, the first bank is paid off. Then, the second one issues you a loan, quite often at a lower rate. All it takes is meeting your obligation monthly on the due date to establish a good credit history with the refinancing institution, so you should be able to receive standard loan approval in the future.