Types of Eco Friendly Cars

Eco friendly cars are making up a bigger part of car sales with major auto companies, as well as companies that only make one type of eco friendly car, making them their number one priority. While they are not ready to replace gasoline-powered cars yet, the potential is there for eco friendly cars to be the number one sellers in the near future.


  • Hybrid cars work by capturing the energy created when you apply the brakes and storing it in batteries. It then uses the stored power instead of fuel, and it can save on the gas mileage.

Bio Diesel

  • Bio Diesel cars run on a blend of diesel fuel and vegetable oil, or they can run on just diesel. SOV cars have diesel engines that have been modified to run only on vegetable oil.


  • Ethanol cars run on a fuel made from corn, barley or wheat. The most used combination is 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. It both increases octane and reduces emissions.


  • Electric cars run only on electric power. They carry large batteries and are simply plugged in to recharge. The biggest problem is that it can take as long as 10 hours to recharge dead batteries (see Resources).


  • A hydrogen-powered car uses either combustion or electrochemical conversion to convert chemical energy from hydrogen into mechanical energy to power the car (see Resources).