Auto Insurance Claims: 645 BMW Stolen, Alabama Auto Theft claim SIU Investigation/claim denial expert

During a class reunion in NJ my 645 BMW was stolen. Immediately I called the police. Three cop cars came, one went looking for the car, secound went to talk too restaurant owner and third took me in his police car where he took a statement and saw the car keys. After the cop took the statement I called BMW to see if they could track the car. Unfortunately they could not because I did not pay fot that option. Next I called a State Tropper supervisor whom gave the Class reunion (he left before me)and ask if he could have his tropper keep a look out for my car, He did. All this evidence was proven with my cell phone records plus State Farm interviewed the state tropper supervisor.

The Vehicle was found in four days with the top rip, engine gone, body parts gone, back dented and bmw symbol was also taken (I have pictures). The insurance company had a forensic expert examine the car he declared that theives rip the top broke the steering wheel to drive the car and another car was pushing the car from behind.
After interviewing three friends, coming to my house to question my neighbors, going to my rental office to question the owners of my rental property, pulling my credit report, getting my cell phone records and the receipt for food I paid for that night. I have to testify under oath because the keys I gave to the insurance company shows the car was driven after I reported it stolen. How could that be I had the keys the entire time plus I showed the keys to the cops.


What you need to do immediately this weekend is go to my website and review it, then contact me before you give an EUO.

I am not an attorney and do not give legal advice, nor do you need one at the moment and if retained, I will tell you when you do. I know attorneys I can refer to you in NJ that specialize in these matters, when the time comes.

As for my advice when dealing with this claim and I don't want to sound nasty, but there is no other way to put it. Shut up and quit trying to declare your innocence and that the car was really stolen!!!!

I do not know how you know what the insurance forensic expert had said, this is generally not shared with the insured, unless the insurance company is baiting you or trying to link you into a conspiracy.

State Farm is not trying to find out who stole the car. State Farm SIU is trying to build a case trying to link you with the theft so they don't have to pay the claim!

Don't you find it strange that they are interviewing neighbors?

Now, if you had nothing to do with the theft of your vehicle (because we refuse to represent anyone involved in the theft of their vehicle) are completely honest, we are the only game in the country that can assist you,

Some feel I am only qualified as an expert in auto theft, however what they don't know is that my intervention in these matters reveal my 20 years of claims experience directly in SIU's investigimagaions. (note my word for what these people do).

I guess one could consider me the SIU investigators worst nightmare, because I know what they know, giving my client a very tactical advantage as what is going to be a very trying time.

I provide services for insurance companies, however our firm is the ONLY firm that dares oppose insurance companies in these matters.

I also have to be very careful as to what is written on these public sites, because Allstate, State Farm, Progressive and others insurance defense teams constantly monitor and fraudulently use bogus questions for me to answer, so they can use such in trials.

I know BMWs well and the contention is that all of them are "unstealable." At least this is the insurance company's approach. This is not true, but didn't you state the insurance company contends your car was driven after it was pushed?

You contact me today Saturday up till 10 pm your time or on Sunday. You do not want to go to an EUO without retaining my services if you had nothing to do with the theft. You need to be prepped because it is like the sheep going to the wolves when attending an EUO.

866-490-1673 or 972-310-4750.

By the way don't turn over the keys to the insurance company until they are read with a print out and even at that point evidence is being destroyed, but they will use this action to support their denial.

BMW keys are commonly used for determining the last key used, and that was never their purpose, the purpose was to display items for maintenance as well as mileage and date, but unless everything is done properly (which is almost never done), evidence is ruined and it makes things more difficult (not impossible) to defend your position.

Remember this: the insurance people are not your friends!

Also, when you are denied on the claim, there is the insurance company dirty little secret. Your name goes on a secret list as to committing insurance fraud. You can switch carriers, but this does not matter. The insured's name and history carries over.

I re-read the question and see that you were naive enough to let SF have the keys and trust me when I say, that was a bad thing!!!!!!1

Call me!