Auto Insurance Claims: Rear end collision, Rear end collision

Hi, I was struck from behind on 2-8-10.  I hit the car in front of me...we were both stopped at a red light.  The person who hit me, said her water bottle got lodged under her brake and could not stop (a sheriff's report was filed and will reflect this).  I had no warning at all.  Both her airbags deployed, and front got smashed pretty good.  The car in front of me had both bumper and body damage.  I felt a headache, neck pain, and knee pain.  The driver's insurance company checked my car and gave an estimate for 5K.  I saw my doctor several days ago and recommended I see an orthopedic specialist which I did today.  An MRI is going to be scheduled.  I had arthoscopic surgery 15 years ago and was told today that I had arthritis which was aggrevated by the impact.  So.....after my auto is repaired, and the medical bills I entitled to anything above and beyond these things?  Truthfully, I am having a hard time getting around, my knee is painful, my car will lose some resale when I mention the accident, I fear being hit again everytime I stop at a red light, and my doctor said I'd need to get an elyptical or bike if I wanted to do cardio, no more jogging, fast walking or treadmill.  Is there a rule of thumb where I can ask for pain and suffering, or a percentage of what my doctor bills and auto bill turns out to be?  BTW, the girl who struck me still has not contacted her isurance company, but her policy is in force.  They said they would move ahead once they get the police report, regardless if she contacts them or not.
Thank you very much for your time.


I am sorry to hear about your situation.  Well, you are entitled to pain and suffering, loss wages, and diminish quality of life. Also, for your medical expenses.

It's very difficult if possible at all to give you a number without seeing your medical records. Are u going to recover? Are u going to have medical consequences until when? If you are not 100% recovered, you probably do not know exactly how much will it take you to put
back in the position you were before the accident.

See the webpage above for more details on how to put value in a claim.

Good Luck,