Auto Insurance Claims: Vehicle damaged from a timber flying of a truck and trailer, civil justice system, truck fleets

A timber block came of a trailer and hit my bakkie while driving on a national road. I lodged a report but the owner of the company refuses to pay for damages because he says that that timber was not on his truck. Is there any way to get him to pay for the damages?

While I am unfamiliar with the civil justice system on your nation, the appropriate next step would be the take the company who owns the truck to small claims court. Gather any witnesses you can manage, take the specifics, such as location, the license number, year make and model of the truck, the driver info, time and date of the loss with you. Truck fleets often have GPS systems to track the location of their trucks and would certainly have information on its cargo.

Preseny your argument before the magistrate and present an estimate for the cost of repairs. The better your argument is in contrast to the defense's, the better chance you have to win.