Auto Insurance Claims: property damage, florida no fault insurance, rules vary from state

IThere were several cars in my driveway and in turning ( backing up) I hit one on the driver's door and put a small dent in the drivers door but because the area was in the seam there is a problem opening the door.  My car is insured in Fl and the accident is in Ma.  I am reluctlent to report the accident because I am not sure if I will be surcharged. I have never had an accident but don't want to get into a sitution where my ins co may drop me as well. If the surcharge is very high I may pay the damage myself. It's too bad we pay high premiums and feel we can't report an accident. What is the surcharge sitution in Fl with State Farm?  Thank you

Hi Ann,
That is a question that can only be answered by your State Farm
Agent in Florida since rules vary from state to state.

What concerns me most is that, based on the wording of your question,
it appears that you are now a resident of MA.  Most states consider
you a resident once you reside there for 30 days and you must secure
local insurance and a MA drivers license.

Your Florida no-fault insurance policy changes to conform to local insurance laws each time that you cross a state line while traveling,
but not after you are considered a resident.

If you should be involved in a serious accident, you may learn that
you have no insurance because you have not changed to notified State
Farm of your legal residence.

No matter what the insurance laws are in MA, they are different from
the Florida laws.  This is a situation that you need to resolve immediately.

San Francisco Bay Area