Auto Insurance Claims: repair cost close to the deductible, will my insurance rates go up?

I have full coverage from Geico on my Honda accord 2002. I had a small accident last week.
Deductible is $500.00, got some quotes to fix my car about $600-700.
1.The other car party is 100% covered.
2.Is it worth to use the ins?
3.If I pay out of own pocket, would that be better for future ins rate?

This is a personal choice.  It does not matter which carrier you use, the accident happened and it is now part of your driving history, like it or not, regardless of whether you file a claim and regardless of which carrier you use.  If you use your own coverage, you pay the deductible.  If you go through the other carrier (of at fault party), they pay for everything.  I would file a claim against the other carrier, have them pay for repair, and move on.
