Auto Insurance Claims: Premium increase for property damage claim, minor accident, hypothetical question

I backed into a car at a very slow speed and scratched their car.  We did not initially report the accident as the damage was minor and no one was injured.  The driver called me to say the body shop estimated $500.  I have been accident free for 6 years and am insured in California with State Farm.  If I make the claim (since Property Damage has no deductible) about how much will my premium increase and for how many years?  Also, can I ask my agent these questions without actually making a claim and having it affect my premium?

Hi Susan,

Each insurance company is different so I can not tell you what will happen in your case. You should call your agent that sold you the policy (not the claims department) and ask a "hypothetical" question, such as; What would be the increase in premium if a minor  accident were reported and the company paid out say less than $800.00? If they ask if you had an accident say no, you were just curious how it effected the premium.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh