Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Insurance Claims/Car Accident in Private Parking Lot, auto insurance claims, bad attitude

Few weeks ago, I got in a car accident.  There is an car backed into my car while my car was standing still and waiting for an empty parking space.  My back bumper and light were scratched up.  It's not my fault but the other driver was in bad attitude and isn't willing to exchange insurance information.  I tried to call the police and they said the accident is in the private parking lot.  They can't handle it.
Also she doesn't cooperate with me and always intend to leave as soon as possible.  So I told her if she leave, I will call the police that she hit and run.  Then she reluctantly gave me the contact information and insurance information and left soon.
However when I claim this case to the insurance company, they told the insurance information is incorrect.  It's not the car which hit me and it's expired.  .Also the contact information is not reachable.  They can't find this guy so they told me that I have to pay the deductible(around 500).  Because it's totally not my fault, I really don't want to pay this deductible.
Any good suggestion for this case?  I have her faked information and took some pictures for the accidents.
Thank you so much in advance.

Hi All,

If you make the claim through your own insurance policy then you must pay the deductible no matter who is at fault.

If you received some information on the other person, you could try to go to the police and have them track the other driver down for providing false information.

Besides that there is not much else you can do.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh