Auto Insurance Claims: Liability and getting an Insurance Company to pay, state insurance commissioners, verifiable proof

I was in an accident with another vehicle.  Because real fault was not determined by the police at the scene, I was ticketed for an illegal lane change.  The case was dropped in court.  I have verifiable proof that show the other driver was at fault, pictures and forensics.  My Insurance company paid the other drivers claim although I told them not to.  Her insurance company is denying my claim and their reason is "because your Insurance company claimed fault by paying our insured".  Can I take them to court before a jury of my peers, I am sure I would win if I could get this case heard.  The insurance company will not even talk to me.

Hi Gordon,

At this point your issue is with your insurance company not the other parties company. If your company accepted liability and paid the other party's damage, there is nothing you can do against the other party. You will need to call your insurance company and provide them with your proof that you are not at fault. You need to tell them to have your records show that you were not at fault. You need to tell them that since they screwed up and paid the other persons claim they they also need to pay for your damage. If they refuse to do so you will need to file a complaint with your state insurance commissioners office. Ultimately you may need to get an attorney to sue your insurance company for bad faith claim handling.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh