Auto Insurance Claims: Unsure, independent witness, rear end

I was cut-off by another vehicle when entering a gas station. He never stopped. In the process I almost rolled my jeep over, but didn't luckily, however I did end up with some damage to the the rear-end and possibly the transmission or clutch (not sure which yet). I did not call the police since I didn't have info on the other vehicle except that it was a truck, will the insurance cover the repair? I have full coverage on all my vehicles.

Hi Thomas,

Yes. Your insurance company will cover the damage subject to your deductible. Also, unless you have an independent witness who will say that there was another vehicle that cut you off, they will likely consider this to be an at-fault event on your part. This is usually the case then there is no contact with another vehicle and there is no witness to back up your story.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh