Auto Insurance Claims: What if a police report is not accurate?, dodge ram truck, david and goliath

I was in an automobile accident and was hit by the other driver running a red
light. I was in a VW Beetle and he was in a Dodge Ram truck. The police
officer who wrote up the accident report never even spoke to me about what
happened and when I finally asked him what would be on the report he had
that I had ran the red light and had hit the truck so hard that it spun him
around and spun him into the sign post and curb so hard that it broke his
axle. I was almost laughing, that would have been another David and Goliath.
At any rate when I got the report from the police station he had me at fault.
The other driver, of course, never denied or agreed to running the red light.
There were no witnesses. Will this police report hold up in court, how will my
driving record or insurance be affected by a police report stating that this
accident was my fault. I am furious over this. By the way I am a woman and
the person who hit me was a man.........I'm just saying....

Hi Becky,

You can try to contact the police officer to see if he will revise his report. You may even try contacting the officers supervisor to file a complaint.

Unfortunately, if the report stands as it is it will be indicated on your driving record as an at-fault accident. This would mean the other person could make a claim on your insurance for payment of his damages and will likely cause your insurance rates to increase.

I hope this helps
Richard hixenbuagh