Auto Insurance Claims: DUI/INSURANCE CLAIM, collision coverage, insurance claim

I had a dui recently and the insurance company renewed my policy with no change. I had a restricted license allowed however i did not disclose the dui to insurance company. I had an accident shortly after the renewal. If the insurance company was unaware of the dui what would the affects be of the claim (i was liable for rearending someone, i have collision coverage) be? Can they deny the claim for this purpose? I am in insured in maryland.

I believe the man issue will be whether or not they specifically asked you if you had received any violations between the time of the DUI and the ccident.  If they did and you lied, they could void your policy for misrepresentation and deny coverage for the claim.  If they did not specifically ask the question, I think you will probably be ok, but it will depend on the manner in which your policy is written.  Read your policy carefully.  If they ask you any questions now, make sure you tell the truth.