Auto Insurance Claims: undisclosed driver????, state insurance commissioners, undisclosed driver

1 1/2 years ago, my aunt (who lives in another state), was visiting.  I let her borrow our car for about 15 minutes.  On that trip she totaled our car and another, total damage $9000.  Our insurance company paid the damages.  However, now we just added our 16 year old to our policy and they are cancelling us due to my aunt's accident saying she is an undisclosed driver.  I don't understand how she can be undisclosed when she has never lived with us.  We have informed them many times that she never has lived with us.  Is this correct that they can cancel us for this?

Hi Irene,

Something here does not sound right. You need to get to a supervisor. You need to explain that your aunt lives in another state and may need to get your aunt to send you a copy of her drivers license from that other state as proof. If all else fails, you should file a complaint with your state insurance commissioners office.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh