Auto Insurance Claims: Possible insurance fraud, insurance fraud, fault insurance

Hello again,

Thank you again for your time and expertise. I was rear ended and knocked into the car ahead of me. Liability is not in question.  I took a few pictures with my cell phone of all the damage to all the cars at the scene of the wreck.  I just happened to see the guy I hit this week at the store and noticed his rear end looked to have a lot more dramatic damage than I remember and than appears in the photo I took. I'm concerned that he MAY be trying to artifically inflate the damage. Even though I'm not liable, I'm concerned he may also be planning to inflate the injury claim for himself and his four kids that were in the car at the time of the wreck. If so, could'nt this eat up all the liability money in the policy? Should I share my concerns with authorities and email them my photots to compare against their photos of his vehicle? I'm not sure what to do.


PS-I'm not sure how to leave feedback yet. I still owe you for your first andswer and also for this one. Thanks in advance for your time.

Hi Bob,
Yes, I think it would be a good idea to share your photos with the at fault insurance company.
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12-22-07 11:52 PM PST