Auto Insurance Claims: Backing accident, independent witness, cul de sac

We live on a cul-de-sac curve.  My neighbor and I were both backing out at the same time and collided at the bottom.   Both our driver's side back corners were affected. At the time we both claimed to not have paid enough attention to see the other and to being in a hurry.  Last night he said something about splitting the cost of the repairs.  My car, an Expedition, does have damage, but it is well disguised.  To me, it's not worth fixing at this time.  His car, which is much smaller, has significant drivers side rear damage and will cost a bunch to fix.  We both have the same deductable.

Now for more details...

I was backing out the "right" way - to go the correct way around the circle drive upon going forward.  He was backing out the opposite way - going the "wrong" way upon moving forward.  Upon "reenacting" my backing out of the driveway, I discovered that in order for him to have hit me where he did, I had to have been almost fully backed out and about to move forward.

My question...does it seem that one person is more at fault than the other?  He seems to be talking in terms of "when you hit me,", etc  Should I feel guilty about not offering to help with his repairs or deductable??  Thanks in advance!

Hi Kelly,
It's impossible for a person to hear one or even both sides
of how the accident occurred and render a degree of fault
to each driver on a backing accident.
This is why, when no independent witness is available, an
insurance company will always handle this on a 50/50 split.

The two of you can report this to your insurance companies
and it will  be handled on a 50/50 basis, or you can set down  with your neighbor, discuss your reason logically and perhaps reach an  agreement of a 60/40 or 65/35 split.
I hope this has been of help.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.
San Francisco Bay Area 11-16-07 10:45 AM PST