Auto Insurance Claims: MY INSURANCE PAYING FOR THE OTHER VEHICLE, conversion van, nieghbor

I was in an accident recently, with my parents neighbor. I have full coverage, and from my understanding throught the police the nieghbor does too.  I was at fault according to the police, but I believe the neighbor was park to close to my parents drive way with two of her vehicles. Very little damage was one to mine, I not even claiming it. I have a 2000 LHS Chrysler, and she has a large conversion van.  Her bumper has more damage than mine.  Will insurace company have to pay for her damages, or will he insurance
be used.  


Dear Adams,

Sorry, but the burden is on the person who is moving to do so without hitting anything that is there to be seen.  I share your frustration in having someone park too close and maybe even block part of the driveway, but that does not give you the right to hit their van.  

Since the police also came down on the side of the neighbors, I would think you would have a hard time turning the liability issue around.  Thus, your own insurance will pay for her damage.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D.