Auto Insurance Claims: settlement process, soft tissue injuries, traumatic stress disorder

It has been 2 months since the demand letter was sent. The adjuster says the nurse is still examining the x-rays and they shoul be talking with me shortly. Is this normal? Or does is take longer than this?

Followup To

Question -
Hi, I was hit by a guy that ran a red light on Oct. 2, 2005. He admitted that to police and his insurance company. I had to get extensive dental surgery because of several top teeth being knocked out, and I have been diagnosed as having Post traumatic stress disorder. I am currently taking trazadone and zoloft. my total medical bills are $14,000.00.Accident happened in Ky. but his insurance company is in Charlotte North Carolina.

Answer -
I'm sure sorry that you've had to go through this and hopefully you will soon make a full recovery. It certainly sounds like a real nightmare.

However, my expertise lies more toward the actual automotive side of the insurance forum.  I have handled minor bodily injury cases mostly involving soft tissue injuries and can only address your question from that standpoint and my gut instinct from industry experience.  You are also receiving a very candid and honest answer as I have no product or service to offer on this forum.

Having your teeth knocked out in an accident is a pretty serious injury and should result in a fair settlement.  You will have to judge what level of compensation that you are willing to accept without going through the legal system.  

I do know that in many bodily injury (BI) settlements, I was often willing to offer as much or nearly as much as the claimant's attorney ended up getting.  Therefore, the claimant actually received less money through the attorney, due to the 33-50% contingency that the attorney received.  This, however isn't always the case.  

Two months sounds awfully long to conduct an investigation, but they may be looking at other things now with the PTSD claim.  Generally, it's in the company's best interest to get these things settled ASAP so there is likely something else going on there.

I'll be interested in hearing the outcome on this one.