Auto Insurance Claims: QUESTION, claim settlement, insurance claim settlement

QUESTION: i was in a car accident and i went to the chriopractor but never felt better. whent and had a mri done and found a small annual tear in my disc. disc desiccation with central disc protusion.l3 l4. what type of money should i ask my lawyer to get for me on this? I no this crack could cause me problems in my future. so i dont whant to make a mistake and take anything lower than im supposed to. also i never had any back issues before till this accident. besides minor ache in pains,but never like what i feal now. so what should i ask my lawyer to get for my type of case? also the insurance company has already claimed liability.

ANSWER:   Hello Stephen,

Two issues here. First, I do not have nearly enough information to provide you with any type of case specific information.  Settlements are complex.  They involve your injuries, your pain and suffering, and, of course, the amount of coverage available.

Second, you are wise to have an attorney on this.  Your attorney will put all of the information together and calculate a settlement.  Unlike claimants who try to do this on their own, the presence of an attorney usually means your settlement will not be lowballed.

As to the answer to your specific settlement question - discuss it with your attorney.  He works for you!

Wishing you the best.  Good luck.

Jane Pytel

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Again i no u dont have much information but what should i start telling my lawyer to ask for? The chriopractor has wrote up permanent tempararely dissability. If that makes any sence? Not haveing full details of the case i would understand you not being able to give me a straight answer. But ball park what should i be looking for in a case like this? Its a disc desiccation l3 l4 with central disc protusion,and a small annual tear. The car that hit me ran a stop sighn t boned me on my passenger side and sent me skiding 20 feet. The driver said he though he didnt see any one. Police report says he was at fault,and his insurance company has claimed full liability. I hope i gave u enough information. If u can give me a idea what type of settlemen i should be looking for. Thanks again for you time!!

 Hello Stephen,

I'm not trying to put you off, but as I said previously a fair claim settlement in an injury case depends on a lot of different variables.  This is why you have an attorney!  Again, let me stress - you need to discuss this in detail with your attorney, and together you can arrive at an appropriate amount.  

Clearly there is no issue with liability.  Now what it boils down to is exactly what you have lost and how much you should be compensated. That is determined not only by your injuries, but also addresses your pain and suffering and whether or not you can still work, as well as other variables.  It also depends on the amount of liability coverage.  If that coverage is sufficient, great.  If not, you cannot receive more than the limits of that policy.  That's what uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is for.  

These are all the types of things that you should be discussing with your lawyer.  Make certain you do so.

Jane Pytel