Auto body repair & detailing: Chevy S10 2002, chevy s10, radiator support

How do you remove the left fender? Are there just bolts or bolts and spot welding?   Thanks for your help.

remove the grille/ remove front bumper- 3 bolts in the grille/bumper area that must be removed- remove the plastic cover covering the hood hinge. Remove 2 bolts- open door there are 2 bolts in the door hinge area remove these- under the fender, on the back side of the rocker there is 1 bolt remove it, remove all the bolts in the wheel house closest to the fender- loosen the 2 that are back by the cowl- remove the top of the air box- remove nut retaining the bottom of air box, its on the side, engine side- the front pushes down on 2 rubber mounts, and  it will come off of them with a little pressure- remove the washer solvent tank 1 bolt in top  1 hose 2 plugs- remove bolt hidden by washer tank, it's half way up radiator support- un-snap the wire loom retaining clips & the hood cable retaining clips- unhook horn, it's inside fender unhook the vacuum hose to the vacuum canister at rear of fender- pry away wire couplers at rear of fender- remove 2 bolts holding fender to ABS assembly  they are very close to the fender along top edge under the little shelf that the rubber hood bumpers are mounted to- remove bolt on top of radiator support support hood with a prop rod place towel on cowl to protect windshield remove hood hinge bolt- let good hinge rest on the cowl-fender will come right off.