Auto body repair & detailing: Wet Carpet, seam sealer, wet carpet

What would be the easiest way to find where water is leaking into my 1993 Buick Century.  It appears only on the passenger front carpet, and somewhat on the rear passenger carpet.  I tried running a garden hose over the hood, near the windsheield and cowl areas.  Water came out from between the wheel well and the body behind the wheel well.  With carpet pulled back a bit near the wheel well area, I barely saw any water leaking in (if any).  Carpet get so wet that when you press on it there's plenty of water.

I only own this car about a year, and many years ago there may have been a major front end collision - paint on hood and both fenders looks much nicer than the rest of the car.

Thank you,
Dave Blumberg

Water leaks are really hard to find! It may only be leaking when you're going down the road at 70 mph! If the car looks like the front end was painted recently, it's safe to assume some collision repair was done up front. Somebody must've missed a hole or crack when they were applying the seam sealer. The w/shield could also be leaking down towards the cowl and running in through the dash. I hate to say it but good luck!