Auto Glass: power window slow to go down but goes up fine, rubber gaskets, accurate diagnosis


I have a 2003 Sunfire, 2.2L.  For the past few weeks the driver's side window slowed down, when opening, about 1/4 of the way down and 3/4 of the way down.  For the past few days it has stopped at 1/4 of the way down but would continue going down if I pressed the button 2 or 3 more times.  Now it will only go down about an inch and that's it.  It has never been a problem to get it to go back up.  Does it sound like the motor needs to be replaced?  What is a ballpark figure for the cost of a motor and what kind of time might I be looking at for labour?  Any insight you could offer would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

ANSWER: Hi Tracy,

I am not sure I understand exactly what is happening.  Please answer the questions listed below and I will be able to give you a more accurate diagnosis.

1.  Is your Sunfire a 2 door or 4 door?

2.  Is there any unusual noise coming from inside the door when you press the switch and the glass goes down and stops?

3.  Are the front and back edges of the glass in between the rubber gaskets in the door frame?

4.  After opening the window about an inch, will it go down further if you press down on the glass while pressing the switch at the same time?  (Be careful not to lower it too much farther!  We want to be sure to get it back up.)

Ben .... the power window guy

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


My Sunfire is a 4 door, there are no unusual noises from inside the door when pressing the switch and the window goes down and then stops, yes, the front and back edges of the glass are in between the rubber gaskets in the door frame, after opening the window until it stops (about an inch) I have tried pressing down on the glass while pressing the switch, this only helps it go down another 1/4 of an inch max.

Thanks again,


Hi Again Tracy.

Thank you for the additional information.

The most common problem I see on this vintage of Sunfire is a faulty window motor.  The typical experience most owners have is the window goes down okay (gravity helps a lot), but when they try to roll it up it only goes up part way and then stops.  If they wait a few minutes and try raising it again, it goes up a bit more and then stops.  Eventually, they can get it all the way back up.

I am fairly certain your problem is a window motor problem.  The only thing that puzzles me is why you are able to immediately raise the window after lowering it only an inch or so.  If the motor quits working after lowering the window only an inch it typically should not be able to raise the window until a few minutes have passed and the motor has cooled down.

Replacing the window motor is not a repair that is easily done by someone without the necessary experience and proper tools.  However, there is no need to go to the dealer.  The dealer will charge you way too much for diagnosis, parts, and labor.  Most experienced mechanics are familiar with this repair.  You can expect to pay about $50 for a new window motor (don't use a remanufactured motor) from just about every one of the various auto part stores).  The average mechanic will charge about 1 1/2 hours of labor to make the repair.

I hope this information helps.  Let me know if there is anything else you are wondering about.

Ben  ... the power window guy