Automotive Plastics: Lens on Taurus 3rd brake light, gorilla glue, taurus wagon

Automotive Plastics: Lens on Taurus 3rd brake light, gorilla glue, taurus wagon
thrid brake light
Hi Octavio,
Thanks for volunteering your time to help with these questions.
The short question: can you advise me on an adhesive to attach the plastic lens housing onto a 3rd brake light assembly ? (Photo attached.) It's a 98 Taurus wagon.
The long version: The other evening, I came out of the store and found the lens assembly missing from my 3rd (upper) brake light -- it must have just separated somehow when I was driving ? There are no signs of any screws, rivets, or mechanical attachment of any kind. I went to a junkyard today and found a similar car -- tried to unsrew/unbolt the light assembly from below and met resistance. I pried gently on the light housing from above -- and the lens assembly popped off in my hand. Again, no sign of any attachment other than (weak !) glue.
Do you think I should try drilling holes to securely attach this plastic piece, or is there some adhesive that will really hold-up ? I see in some similar posts that methylene chloride is recommended for tail lights -- would that work in this case, or do I need something that will form more of a gasket around the rim of the light ? Gorilla glue ?
Thank you for any advice you can offer !!

Hi Jon, you are right. Methylene chloride is de proper adhesive. This substance is a water-like liquid which seems to render a rather weak joint. I would suggest to dissolve some clippings of the same color >PMMA< in this liquid to have a slurry that may offer a better contact area in the union. By doing so, the adhesive mixture will set in a few hours which is good to align the two parts. some tape will be useful while the adhesive hardens. good luck. Thanks for the picture!