Car Alarms: TDS car alarm, override switch, toyota camry

I have a TDS car alarm on my 1998 Toyota Camry and the manual override switch has broken. How can I fix this or can I fix this with an ordinary switch? The original switch has 4 wires, red, gray, black, and blue and it has an illuminated push switch.  I don't know which wires go where so or what type of switch to replace it with so if you can give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated.

Not certain either, but:
"The original switch has 4 wires, red, gray, black, and blue and it has an illuminated push switch."

black should be ground
red is 12 volts
blue is the flip switch control
but not sure about the gray.

Best try the fourm.

One of my techs in there will
likely have a difinative answer for you.

Good luck.