Car Alarms: Hornet alarm problem: new car battery, installation forum, battery terminals

I have a DEI Hornet alarm with basic features installed around 2000 in a 1996 Sentra. I just replaced the car battery, and the alarm went off.  I put the key in and turned it to the on position, then held the valet button down for 5+ seconds (did nothing).  In a panic (didn't want to upset the neighbors), I then pushed the button several times, as well as the arm button on the remote several times, and turned the key several times.  Eventually, the car started, so I must have done something right, but I could not get the car to start again.  And now, with the battery terminals tightened, the remote does not activate the alarm, the car will not start, and the alarm does go off when I get in the car, etc. So nothing works now, except the radio and dome lights, with the key in the on position.  Please help!

I am not the Viper tech in the ALARMTEK family.
My friend and collegue TWELVOLTZ is the
man on these issues.

Please take this question to my
resident DEI/Hornet/Python/Viper/Clifford
tech at my online 12 volt installation
forum at:

Good luck with it.