Car Alarms: nissan 2001 altama, fcc id number, alarm manufacturer

I removed and replaced battery and the factory alarm arms it self Is the a way to disable the self arming function  

Nissan's factory alarm does not self or auto arm.
So I think you have an aftermarket system there.

You need to use the FCC ID number on the
back of the remote, go to
and identify the system.

Then contact the alarm manufacturer to get
the feature settings procedure of they're alarms, and
see how it goes into "ACTIVE" arming mode. What you
have now is called "PASSIVE ARMED MODE". No
factory alarm does that.

That's what I suggest. If you feel strongly that
it is the "factory" alarm, You should contact Nissan
for the information you need on this one as
I don't have anything in my notes that state

But the "self arming" tells me aftermarket.

Check it out and let me know.