Car Stereos: AM reception, antenna amplifier, suzuki sx4

Brian hi thank you for your time,
I have 2008 Suzuki SX4 with factory installed radio and CD unit, all worked well for about a year and then one day AM stopped. Frequencies change when you roll the dial knob but there is absolutely no sound or even noise.
Can you advise please, FM is working as well as CD ( I never used MP3 )
Many thanks

Hi Paul,

It's hard to say exactly where the problem lies, but if I had to guess, I'd say the factory head unit is defective.  The only other possibility is a defective antenna, but I'm doubtful that there's an antenna problem that would completely kill the AM reception but leave the FM reception unchanged.  I don't have any fix to suggest, though; I doubt that an after-market antenna amplifier would do you any good.  Your best option is probably to replace the radio.

Good luck!
