Car Stereos: factory Monsoon system on pontiac g6, pontiac g6, monsoon sound system

QUESTION: Hey Ed! I'm having an issue with my 05 g6 gt's system... I started my car the other day and to my surprise, all I had was mid's and high's coming from my speakers (only 4 out of 8 were working) and I have absolutely no bass whatsoever!  Its so frustrating and embarassing! lol  Any ideas man?  Thanks!

ANSWER: Hey Ryan!.

Ok we need to know first, if all u have in your car right now its factory installed, by this i mean, if the audio system has any aftermarket pieces installed.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, everything is stock.  It came with an 8 speaker monsoon sound system, which is factory.

Ok Ryan,

That system is driven by amplifiers, first thing u need to check is if the amps are turning on, but for that you need to have the dealership check them, unless u find a good car audio place where they can check them, it sounds like one of the amps is not turning on, might be burned. if amps check OK you should check or have the wiring checked, and after that the speakers.

Hope this helps.