Auto Racing: Money, Entry, Junior

Hello, my name is Dylan, I have been planning to start 4-cylinder racing when I am 16 or so. I have planned almost everything. Do you think $4,000.00 is enough?

Hello Dylan,
I think the budget you require is really dependent on the level you want to compete at. You are young so are presumably looking at getting experience in some category to see if you like it, so a smallish budget should be OK to acquire some equipment and go racing. You need to consider entry fees, machinery, spares, tyres, travel to meetings, fuel etc, so costs will need to be higher if you enter a multi-round championship or one whose rounds are a distance from where you are based. Similarly, if you eant the latest kit it is more expensive than older kit, so how competitive do you want to be is another important factor regarding budget.
I am guessing you are in the States (I am in the UK), so I am not too familiar with the costs of entering junior category there, but I am guessing $4000 wont go very far, but there could be schemes to help juniors in terms of for example entry fees and equipment parity (so you dont need to spend on the latest kit) etc.
Good luck, Adam