Auto Racing: racing, world karting association, high school diploma

QUESTION: hi im max and i am very interested in racing n i want to become a racer,but the thing is that is it very important to have an mechanical engineering degrees to become a good racer or i can do mba or anything which i like ?

ANSWER: If you wish to become a professional race driver, a very good understanding of mechanics (meaning the repair and modification parts) is important. Engineering is just an extra level of expertise.
The important thing is to be well educated. A high school diploma will get you very little out of life no matter what you do.

You can pursue any degree that suits you, in your case I would suggest you learn to write using proper punctuation and capital letters. Mature business people expect it, and respect it, so do college professors.

For a final comment. Most race drivers have some interest in mechanical things, and a very strong drive to be a race driver. They allow that desire to guide their choices in education, not the other way around.

Good luck to you !

Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Sir,I want to ask one thing more that "How to start a good racing career?".Some tips that i should follow as a beginner.

(getting into racing )

Start with Go Karts, join World Karting Association (Google it!) and find the tracks close to you . Start racing in the lower levels, move up until you are in the larger , faster carts, and winning regularly.  MOST of the big names in racing spent some time in Karts early in their careers.  

Then join Sports Car Club in your country  and look into racing with them.  You will have to buy a race car and do the mechanical work, buy the tires and gas and fix things that break at the track. It might be a good idea to try and get a friend interested in being your crew. You will probably need considerable financial help at this stage. But if you get good at road racing, your chances of getting a pro ride are a little better.

Understand though, something like 1/3 of the young population of any country want to be race drivers, so the competition is REAL tough, and you simply may not have the talent to be a professional. Plus it is EXTREMELY hard work.  18 hour days 7 day weeks and year around. It's a real killer. Many of us enjoy the amateur racing we do and can spend some of our time doing other things that  professional driver can't - - like being with family  or earning a living !

Finally, since you're a good student and interested in racing, you should study Physics, Chemistry,and Math VERY hard, and plan on pursuing an Engineering degree in college. Several of today's NASCAR stars are engineers, Ryan Newman is one that comes to mind, there are others. Nearly all of todoay’s professional drivers though, stated in Go Karts.

Good luck !

Dan Liddy
Sarasota, Florida