Audio Systems: aftermarket in car entertainment, tevion cd player, audio power amps


I have a Peugeot 307 2003 which I have bought recently.
It came with a factory fit CD player which works fine.
Due to UK law I have a Bluetooth compatible CD player as I use my phone a lot during driving however it has shown a few faults:
First time I installed it the red LED light did not flash. Once I turned on the ignition it comes on i tune in the radio and set it all up and is fine. Then when i tune off the ignition the cd player stays on so i remove the fascia whet back to the car later as i needed to go out put the fascia in and the whole system had reset even though the red LED light was still flashing I'm confused as to why it loses memory as its obviously getting constant power.
The CD Player is a Tevion Sound Model Number 43744.
any help would be much appreciated

I have no experience with Peugeot vehicles nor the Tevion CD player. I can venture a guess that the remote wire to the cd player is not connected.  Most car aftermarket devices have two power connections; one for constant voltage and one for turn on when the ignition is activated. This is especially true for the audio power amps but is often true for cd players as well.

Sorry, I don't have a clear answer but please check the ignition turn on wiring and see if that will help.