Audio Systems: best foam surround for Advent 4002 speakers, inch woofers, bookshelf speakers

Audio Systems: best foam surround for Advent 4002 speakers, inch woofers, bookshelf speakers
advent 4002  
I've used foam surrounds from before for a pair of Infinity RS-10 bookshelf speakers with 6 and a half inch woofers which work fine but I've heard conflicting views about their foam surrounds for larger inch and heavier speaker cones specifically that their foam is too thin and flimsy for the bigger speakers causing the speakers to droop slightly after being re-installed back into their  cabinets as well as misalignment of the voice-coil.
As the subject heading says, I'm refoaming a pair of Advent 4002's and want to make sure I buy good surrounds for them. I would contact Advent directly but I am having difficulty finding their website.
The woofers are 10" in diameter. What manufacturer would you suggest?
Thank you,
   Tim Still

I would ask an Advent parts dealer ( or someone like this re-coning company:

Any cone will droop over time when it is facing down or up for long periods of time and a thicker/stiffer edge will really change the speaker sound and performance.

Good luck and thanks for the question.