Audio Systems: power problem i think, audio power amplifier, output transistors

well i have a 2007 maxima and when i tun on my radio and have the volume a 1/2 everything sounds great...but when i go about 3/4 volume the amps shut off...but, not only does the amp shut off but the audio control electronic EQ shuts off too...there all on the same 12 volt line and, the same turn on line "the blue wire" so i lower it and a few seconds it comes back on, its not going to protection there simply turning off... please help

Yes, it is going into protection.  The set senses a shorted condition that is causing this. It is nearly always a shorted or crossed speaker line on one of the amps OR a shorted speaker.  Do you know how to check that out?

I think that is what you will find.  BUT:  It can also be an overheated audio amplifier. Especially if at the factory they did not get good heat grease under the output transistors in the audio power amplifier.

Let me know what you find.