Audio Systems: muflfer sound on subwoofer, engine whine, factory speakers

Well i got an aftermarket cdplayer, rca's connected to my subs, well lets just say everything is after market.  Im wondering if the problem will be that my subs are facing towards the top of my car but then again, no metal is contacted with the ground, would i need another ground wire going to the bottom of my car?


Followup To

Question -
Hi i need help with my subwoofers, unfortunately i been picking up my muffler sound to my subs, same with if i click any button on my car for example, emergency lighs, you will here this (thump) on my subs, is there anything i can do to fix this? thank you in advance =] i appreciate your help.

Answer -
well the engine whine in the speakers (muffler sound) is usually due to a bad ground or a ground loop caused by multiple grounds at different locations and such.  allow me to make a guess here and say that you added the subs to a factory system,  you haven't changed the cd player in the car, it's still factory right?  and your sub amp is connected to the factory speakers for signal?
If not I appologize but if so you should have alot better luck using an after market stereo and using the RCA wires from the cd player to the amp.  using factory speaker lines to drive an amp is notorious for this stuff.
let me know how it goes but that would be my recomendation.  it may fix the other problem as well.
If you do have an aftermarket cd player again I apologize and write me back and we'll see how we can fix that ok?

aiming the speakers in any direction wont make them have engine noise or not.  there is a trick you can try that sometimes works and sometimes makes it worse so lets try it.  you can take a piece of wire (thin) and attach it to ground,  under a ground screw or the cd player's black negative, etc. and tough the other end to the exposed ring that you can see where the RCAs coupple from the cd player and go back to the amps.  
If that makes the noise go away let me know and we'll see if we can do a permanent solution for ya.